
The European Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SET Plan) aims to accelerate the development and deployment of low-carbon technologies. It seeks to improve new technologies and bring down costs by coordinating national research efforts and helping to finance projects.

The SET Plan Implementation Working Group for Ocean Energy (OE-IWG), one of 14 Implementation Working Groups of the SET Plan, is composed of representatives from the European Commission, Member States, regions and other stakeholders. Its main objective is to facilitate the implementation of the research and Innovation (R&I) priority actions in the ocean energy sector that will deliver the SET Plan aspirations.

The OE-IWG published its first Implementation Plan for Ocean Energy (OE-IP) in March 2018, updating it in April 2021 to reflect the progress of the ocean energy sector. The current OE-IP can be downloaded below.

Wave energy converter developed by IDOM-Oceantec

The OE-IP outlines three high level actions:

Co-ordination between the Member States and Regions to share and track critical information annually, to demonstrate the clear development of the ocean energy technologies.

Collaboration between the Member States, Regions and the European Commission to ensure the effective use and appropriate blending, if possible, of funds to drive large scale deployment.

The need for annual monitoring of progress with a review carried out at the end of each phase, to reach a go/no go decision to the next phase.

The annual monitoring of progress is divided in 3 successive phases:


Discovery Phase

A feasibility Discovery Phase to devise a collective monitoring approach by the Members States and Regions and agree an oversight management process for projects and funding. In addition, determination of the likely levels of funding required for the two subsequent phases.

Development Phase

Collaborative Development Phase, with operational arrays demonstrating the ability to meet the technical and financial metrics.

Scale Deployment Phase

Commercialisation Scale Deployment Phase, to build the sector’s support with large scale deployments that will drive costs to a commercial level. After 2030 the ambition is that the sector Delivery will be at scale, via a commercial market with a developed supply chain.