Replay: Final public webinar

Replay: Final public webinar


Held on March 10th, the third and last public webinar of the OceanSET project presented the findings of the third-year mapping and analyses of the Ocean Energy sector in Europe. The webinar was hosted by OceanSET and France Energies Marines, and features speakers from the OceanSET project.

Watch the webinar 

> Download the slides: Slides of the OceanSET webinar – 10 March 2022



Just released: 3rd annual report

3rd annual report

Just released: 3rd annual report


3rd annual report

Just released: the third OceanSET annual report can now be freely downloaded. It provides an overview of progress in the ocean energy sector for the year 2020.

> Download: 3rd OceanSET annual report

The results were officially presented on Thursday 10th March 2022 during a dedicated webinar.


Final annual report launch – 10th March

Final annual report launch – 10th March

Ocean Energy progress in Europe

10th March – 11:00 to 11:45 AM (CET)

Join us on March 10th for the launch of the final OceanSET Annual Report when the findings of the third-year mapping and analyses of the sector will be presented. This last public webinar will provide an update of ocean energy policy and activities and outline how the sector could evolve toward meeting ambitious European deployment goals.

This final webinar will be chaired by Gianmaria Sannino, from ENEA.

Registration is open:

Agenda :

  • OceanSET H2020 project presentation, by Gianmaria Sannino from ENEA
  • Review of the results of the third annual Member States survey, by Rachel Power from SEAI
  • Update on the third annual technology developers survey, by Ana Andrade from DGEG
  • Q&A session


Replay: Workshop at OEE2021

Replay: Workshop at OEE2021

An overview of the progress in the ocean energy sector

Organised as a side event of OEE2021, the third OceanSET Knowledge Sharing workshop was held on 8th December 2021 to present results of the third survey carried out across Member States and Ocean Energy device developers in Europe. This year it also provided an update on the EuropeWave pre-commercial procurement programme and the upcoming wave energy projects being selected to progress the Ocean Energy sector.

Watch the webinar 

> Download the slides: Slides of the OceanSET / OEE webinar – 8 December 2021


The Ocean Energy Implementation Working Group

Ocean Energy IWG

The Ocean Energy Implementation Working Group

A quick video presenting the Ocean Energy Implementation Working Group (IWG)

The IWG has for purpose to develop research and roadmaps that set out the aspirations of the wave and tidal sectors.

It benefits from the key support of OceanSET and ETIP Ocean.

More information:


Workshop at OEE2021

OceanSET workshop at OEE2021

Workshop at OEE2021

OceanSET workshop at OEE2021

An overview of the progress in the ocean energy sector

8th December – 10:00 to 11:00 AM (CET)

Organised as a side event of OEE2021, the third OceanSET Knowledge Sharing workshop will present results of the third survey carried out across Member States and Ocean Energy device developers in Europe. The results will focus on Member States and partnering non-EU countries’ policy and infrastructure, nationally funded projects, technology costs and performance, and suggestions for improvements.

This year we will also provide an update on the EuropeWave pre-commercial procurement programme and the upcoming wave energy projects being selected to progress the Ocean Energy sector.

The workshop will be chaired by Gianmaria Sannino, from ENEA.

Agenda :

  • OceanSET H2020 project presentation, by Gianmaria Sannino from ENEA
  • Review of the results of the third annual survey addressed to the Member States, by Rachel Power from SEAI
  • Update on the third annual survey addressed to the technology developers, by Ana Andrade from DGEG
  • Update on the EuropeWave pre-commercial procurement programme and the upcoming wave energy projects being selected to progress the Ocean Energy sector, by Tim Hurst from WES

This side event will be free of charge. You can register here


Just released: 2nd annual report

Just released: 2nd annual report

Just released: the second OceanSET annual can now be freely downloaded. It provides an overview of progress in the ocean energy sector for the year 2019.

> Download: 2nd OceanSET annual report

The results will be officially presented on Wednesday 26 May during a dedicated webinar.

      • More information here 
      • Registration is still open here.


Coming soon: 2nd annual report launch

Coming soon: 2nd annual report launch

The public version of the second OceanSET annual report will be released soon and will be available for download on this website.

It will be followed by a webinar hosted by OceanSET and the European Technology and Innovation Platform for Ocean Energy (ETIP Ocean). Called “Ocean energy progress in Europe”, it will be held on Wednesday,  26 May, at 11:00 AM CEST

This one-hour event will feature speakers from the OceanSET project, the European Commission and Ocean Energy Europe. It will provide an update of ocean energy activities across Europe and outline how the sector could evolve toward meeting ambitious European deployment goals.

Registration is already open here

The webinar will be chaired by Gianmaria Sannino, from ENEA.



  • OceanSET second Annual Report findings: Patricia Comiskey, Ocean Energy Programme Manager

Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) 

  • 100MW of Ocean Energy in Europe by 2025: Matthijs Soede, Policy Officer, European Commission

DG Research & Innovation, European Commission  

  • 2030 Vision: The Growth Pathway for Ocean Energy: Lotta Pirttimaa Policy and Project Officer

Ocean Energy Europe 

  • Q&A



Workshop at OEE2020

OceanSET workshop at OEE2020

Workshop at OEE2020

OceanSET workshop at OEE2020

An overview of the progress in the ocean energy sector

1st December – 03:00 to 04:00 PM

This OceanSET workshop is being organised at OEE2020 to encourage knowledge and expertise sharing between innovation providers and funders. It will be a real opportunity to share the very first results of the second-year mapping and analysis carried out in Member States. Insights will be provided on funding programmes, revenue support, consenting processes or projects funded across Member States, and on technologies, energy production or Investment and O&M costs of the more mature ocean energy devices.

The workshop will be chaired by Gianmaria Sannino, from ENEA.

The agenda will be:

  • OceanSET H2020 project presentation, by Patricia Comiskey from SEAI
  • Review of the results of the second annual survey addressed to the Member States, by Patricia Comiskey from SEAI
  • Update on the second annual survey addressed to the technolgy developers, by Ana Andrade from DGEG
  • Update on SET-Plan reporting, the state of the energy union; analysis on the status of ocean energy; how the data collected by projects such as OceanSET is important to feed into such analysis, by Drilona Shtjefni from EU JRC

This side event will be free of charge. You can register here, by choosing th Free pass option.


Fifth report on the state of the energy union

5th Report state energy union

Fifth report on the state of the energy union

The 2020 report, published on 14 October 2020, is the first state of the energy union report since the adoption of the European Green Deal. It looks at the energy union’s contribution to Europe’s long-term climate goals.

It takes stock of the progress made in the five dimensions of the energy union – decarbonisation, including renewables, energy efficiency, the internal energy market, security of supply and research, innovation and competitiveness. The report provides guidance on the swift implementation of the national energy and climate plans (NECPs) and on how energy-related investment and reforms can boost the EU’s economic recovery. It highlights how the NextGenerationEU recovery plan can support EU countries through a number of flagship funding programmes. 

This report is also accompanied by a wide range of reports and annexes, including the Commission’s individual assessment of each EU country’s final NECP, analysing the contribution each country is committed to make to the EU 2030 energy and climate targets, and the policies planned to attain these.

> Learn more:

