Just released: 1st annual report

1st OceanSET annual report

Just released: 1st annual report

1st OceanSET annual report

Three annual reports will be developed over the course of the project. Data collected annually will inform Member States and the European Commission on the sector’s progress and will assist in the development of future support schemes.

This first annual report provides an overview of progress in the ocean energy sector in 2018 and the range of the activities undertaken in each OceanSET work package.

> Download: D6.5 – 1st OceanSET annual report


1st dissemination webinar

1st OceanSET webinar

1st dissemination webinar

1st OceanSET webinar

A webinar will held on 7 May, at 11:00 AM CEST in close collaboration with ETIP Ocean.

This webinar will provide an update on the ocean energy sector, based on recent information on costs, technologies, revenue support and other facts across European countries as presented in the first annual report produced by the OceanSET project.

Registration is already open: https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/2097285850889819403



1 – OceanSET project and its surveying activity (France Energies Marines) – 10 min

2 – Annual assessment of the EU ocean energy sector (Sustainable Energy Authority Of Ireland) – 20 min

3 – Pre-commercial procurement programme (Wave Energy Scotland) – 10 min

4 – Q/A session – 20 min



Coming soon: 1st annual report

The public annual report is coming soon

Coming soon: 1st annual report

The public annual report is coming soon

The first OceanSET annual report provides a summary of the activities performed so far within each work package and gives an overview of Member State financial investments in support of the ocean energy sector in 2018. These figures are put in context along with the progress of the sector over the same period of time. The main conclusions and recommendations were presented to EU Commission representatives on 24 March.

This methodology of mapping, analysis, monitoring and review will be carried out for 2019 and 2020. It should help obtain a solid understanding of the current activities across Europe regarding ocean energy in order to determine how the sector will evolve.

The public version of the annual report will be released soon and will be available for download on this website.


Knowledge sharing: crossview from partners

1st knowledge sharing workshop presentations

Knowledge sharing: crossview from partners

1st knowledge sharing workshop presentations

The first knowledge sharing workshop was held on the 30th of September 2019 alongside wit the Ocean Energy Europe conference in Dublin. After an introduction to the OceanSET project, information was shared with the audience regarding technology challenges, financing measures to further support deployment of ocean energy, evaluation criteria allowing to estimate the maturity of the technologies and the necessity for the community to share transparency on costs and costs targets for ocean energy.

Presentations are in free access below:


Workshop at OEE2019

1st OceanSET workshop

Workshop at OEE2019


1st OceanSET workshop

30 September 2019, 11:30 – 13:30

This workshop is organized to encourage knowledge and expertise sharing between innovation providers and funders.


Presentation of OceanSET Project by Declan Meally, SEAI

1 – Technology gaps in wave and tidal stream by Henry Jeffrey, University of Edinburgh

2 – Financing for effective development by Tim Hurst, Wave Energy Scotland

3 – Stage-gate metrics: the new TRL by Jonathan Hodges, Wave Energy Scotland

4 – Transparency on costs by Gianmaria Sannino, ENEA


1st workshop: Save the date

1st knowledge sharing workshop in the framework of OceanSET at OEE2019

1st workshop: Save the date


1st knowledge sharing workshop in the framework of OceanSET at OEE2019SAVE THE DATE: 30 September 2019, 11:30 – 13:30

This workshop will be organized to encourage knowledge and expertise sharing between innovation providers and funders.


Presentation of OceanSET Project by Declan Meally, SEAI

1 – Technology gaps in wave and tidal stream by Henry Jeffrey, University of Edinburgh

2 – Financing for effective development by Tim Hurst, Wave Energy Scotland

3 – Stage-gate metrics: the new TRL by Jonathan Hodges, Wave Energy Scotland

4 – Transparency on costs by Gianmaria Sannino, ENEA

 > Follow this link to register: www.oceanenergy-europe.eu/annual/oceanset-workshop


OceanSET website

OceanSET website is on line

OceanSET website

OceanSET website

The OceanSET project website is online! You can consult all the information related to the objectives and the methodology that will be followed.

Public deliverables will be published in the documentation section. News and press releases will be posted to keep you informed of the progress of the work and the results obtained. You can also subscribe to the newsletter at the bottom of this page.


OceanSET kick-off meeting

OceanSET project began with a kick-off meeting in March 2019

OceanSET kick-off meeting


Representatives of the 9 partners met in Brussels (Belgium) to launch the project from 19 to 20 March 2019 at the kick-off meeting organized by SEAI, the project leader.

This was an opportunity for the participants in the project to meet and discuss the tasks with the closest deadlines.
